Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How many orphans in Ethiopia?

According to UNICEF there are an estimated 6 million orphans in Ethiopia. Their total population is an estimated 70 million. More than 744,000 of these orphans have lost their parents to AIDS. Can you wrap your mind around these numbers? I can't. What does 6 million actually look like?
Ethiopia has the largest HIV/AIDS infected population in the world. Children in Ethiopia die from childhood diseases that could easily be prevented through basic health services.

How can we NOT do something?

Dear Jesus,
I pray today that you give us the strength to make a difference. To come out of our own selfish ways and to actually SEE the reality. Show us what we can actually do. SHOW us the reality Lord. Let it be so real, we can no longer turn our heads the other way. Thank you Lord for your mercy, your forgiveness and your unconditional love. We are undeserving. I praise you in all your holiness for the blessings that you have bestowed on me and my family. Amen.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

After watching Invisible Children I thought back over a blog I wrote... Compassion Vs. Guilt. That video is a catalyst for change. I pray that it brings compassion not guilt, for all of us to DO SOMETHING!!