Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Sunday our pastor handed out $2 to everyone in our congregation. He told a story of some missionaries that had to start their mission with only $2. They were not able to ask for money along their way, nor let anyone know that they had only $2. They had to trust God to provide for them. They also had to return from their mission with at least $2. Keep in mind that this was a choice for these missionaries, they didn't have to do this, yet they decided to take the challenge. The missionaries also had to tithe 10% of everything that they were given within a 24 hour period. A few of the missionaries had decided to save everything and put the 10% aside, in case some "emergency needs" came up. Of course they always had those "emergency needs". But the group that did as they were told never had needs, the Lord always met them where they were. A place to stay, a meal, even an afternoon tea event, all the necessary things were provided in one way or another.

"All the believers were in one heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possesions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles feet and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." Acts 5:32-37

What TRUST! The Holy Spirit really spoke to me through this. "Trust me" He says. He asks us to open our hearts and give. How often do we "set aside" our tithe, or pay it last, not first, "just in case"? This is an area that God has really revealed Himself to me. How can I ask God for blessings and guidance when I am not even willing to trust Him with what is already His!? He is merciful, holy and loving. He knows what is best for me. "Trust me."

In my reading and research about adoption and specifically Ethiopia, there is such need! It is overwhelming at times. I want to do more than just adopt. That is only one facet of the journey for me. I know that God is igniting a fire in me for orphans, to serve them in a way that right now I cannot see. I pray that He continues to give me a vision to serve and give in a larger capacity than I could ever dream!

Today I am claiming that God is going to make this adoption happen. I know this is just the beginning for us. We have recieved confirmation after confirmation from our wonderful Lord that this adoption is what we are supposed to do. It might be a long road and a hard journey but I am already filled with joy for the day our child comes home to us and the eternal impact it is going to have on us, our children, our family, and our church. Now, what to do with HIS $2??

Something else to chew on, you HAVE to watch this video on YouTube. It is U2 in concert, praising God, and a short speech at the end at the National Prayer breakfast, some pretty powerful stuff.

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