Monday, April 20, 2009

4/28 @ 4:28

Last Sunday our pastor petitioned our church family to pray for us! He thought up this formula for remembering our important day...genius! We had spoke after our April 6th postponement about how we tend to "pray really hard" the day before a big event; that we forget to be as fervent in our prayers ALL THE TIME. For us, the highs and lows get tiring and we tend to try and emotionally detach, forgetting to pray regularly and expectantly.

After this plea- it got me thinking. What do the 4:28's look like in God's word? I looked them up out of curiosity:

Jeremiah 4:28
For this the earth shall mourn and the heavens above be dark; for I have spoken; I have purposed; I have not relented, nor will I turn back.


Acts 4:28 do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.


Although there is no magic in the special number, it helps to keep us in check and has added an excitement and anticipation to our next court date. The verses are also not only good word to meditate on, but an AWESOME reminder of God being in control. We can put our faith and trust in Him and know that whatever happens He's got our back. :)

Another help has been the recent note we received from M:

Hello Mom and Daddy
How are you?
I am very well
I can't wait to see
Your child-

"Your child"- this precious young girl who has survived the loss of so much offers herself as our child. We have been praying for the Lord to re-instill in us a passion for this process and for our daughters whom we have never met. This was an answer to prayer. We will not stop praying, petitioning and longing for them like never before. We will not give up.

With a week to go before April 28th- don't forget- 4/28 @ 4:28.


Jen Werner said...

Keeping your family in my thoughts. I hope your wait ends on 4/28 and that you get to bring them home.

Kathleen said...

The note from your daughter - wow.

We are keeping you in our prayers. I set the alarm on my phone for 4:28 to remind us daily and Kaitlyn eagerly volunteers when she hears it go off :) God's bringing those girls home soon!