Tuesday, September 23, 2008

just dreaming.

When I was pregnant with my kids I would always have really vivid dreams about them.

Last night I dreamt about the girls. In my dream we received an email saying that we were finally going to get all the information we had been waiting for. Our court date and when we could travel to Ethiopia. The next thing I knew we were standing on our front porch, getting ready to walk into our house. M had already walked in and had a huge smile on her face, but G looked sad. For some reason in my dream, M's name was no longer M- but Carrie. Weird, I know. So I asked G. if she wanted an American name like M. I got down on her level and looked her in the face - I was so close to her- and said "Would you like to be called Lilly?" She just looked at me like I was crazy and shook her head no and walked into the house with a smile on her face. Then I woke up.

Dreaming about them made me want them here even more. Are they dreaming of us? Our family is waiting to grow...

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