Monday, August 11, 2008


It's Vacation Bible School week at our church! A friend and myself have been working hard planning and preparing for this fun and eventful week. We pray that many kids will come to a richer and deeper understanding of the gospel and the grace of Jesus.

Being around all the kids learning, singing, laughing, creating, makes me long for our girls. I want them to be at VBS! I want them to learn and laugh and sing! Here! With us!!

Is this ever going to happen? Why is this taking so long? Please-we want a court date! Argh.


A brief bio: said...

It's hard to wait!!! Hang in there, Crystal

Anonymous said...

In His time dear sister... in His time.
What a beautiful day it will be when when your girls are with you at home where they belong.
We as a church family look forward to the privilege of loving and serving your precious girls.