Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Starting a collection...

Sunday, after church we enjoyed an art festival in our area and picked this out to add to our collection of photography from Ethiopia. This is called "House in Tigray, Ethiopia."

The artist told us about this one, "Church Window in Lalibela, Ethiopia"...

...but didn't have any prints with him and I was bummed. It would have gone really well with the one I got Chris for his birthday. Regardless, we were so surprised to see some photography from our daughters homeland, right in our own backyard! You can check out Gene's work here.

On the adoption front...A friend from our adoption agency left yesterday for Ethiopia. She is planning on seeing the girls on Saturday! We are keeping her in our prayers for safe travel. We are also hoping that she is able to get lots of pictures and information on the girls. Some moving of crucial papework wouldn't hurt either! :) It is looking like we won't get a court date before they shut down for the rainy season. That means we will be waiting until early fall before we can get a court date and the girls can become legally ours. Who knows though, a miracle could be just around the corner!


Amber said...

It's my fist time on your blog. I'm a fellow red letter campaign blogger so I wanted to say Hi!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you guys yesterday. I work in the two's classroom at church and I family just adopted a little boy from Ethiopia. They named him Jude! It was his first time to church and he did wonderful! The wrote familiar words to him on his name tag. In case he used those words we would no what they meant in English. They were "potty words"he he
It was fun and exciting to watch this young family together. Jude was a blessing!
I am excited for you and Chris and hope your process will move along quicker! Blessing to you!