Saturday, March 8, 2008


Thursday we made the trip to Baltimore to attend the Steven Curtis Chapman concert and to appear alongside him to talk about our adoption! We went not knowing what to expect and boy were we blown away! The whole night was full of not only phenomenal music, but a testimony of adoption and SCC's passion for serving the orphans of the world. He spent a good part of the night sharing his personal testimony and how adoption has changed their lives. It was an emotional night to say the least.
All night I thought of our girls. I prayed for them, and praised God for putting this adoption on our heart. A few of his songs are specifically about adoption, what a blessing to be able to worship to that music.
Towards the end of the concert we were to meet up with the David, the road manager and he led us backstage. We got to stand in the wings as the band performed their last song. It was SO COOL! Jack and Grace were mesmerized and as the band came off, the drummer gave Jack his drumsticks. How cute is that!?
We were led onstage and well, you can watch the rest here...

Thanks to all who prayed for our peace and non-hurling on stage! :) We are praising God for His abundance and provision!


Joy said...

Becky - wow - Congratulations!! What a blessing. I am rejoicing with you!

Amy Jo said...

Wow. Your video had me in tears. God is SO good!!! (Just came over from EthiopiaAdopt's Yahoo Group.) Sweet blessings & JOY, Amy (adopting a 7yo boy from ET)