Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some people have commented that this adoption is our mission field. It is, but we believe that being parents to our children biological or adopted is our mission field. It is an honor and blessing to teach our kids about Jesus and teach them bible verses to hide in their hearts. Most recently we have had to re-visit Luke 6:31- Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Since we home school, Grace and Jack spend a lot of time together and for the most part they get along really well. But on occasion we have a knock down, drag out and mom or dad is called in to referee. The other day the kids were upstairs playing while I prepared dinner, and I could tell that things were starting to get a little heated. I leaned into the stairwell and said "What's going on guys?!" Grace stomped over to the stairs, crossed her arms and with brows furrowed stated, "IT'S SO HARD TO DO UNTO OTHERS!"
I couldn't help but chuckle, but I think that deserves another Amen sister! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Grace! Oh, I know those days, most days...dinner is a really difficult time of day. We as parents have such a huge job of teaching our children the "correct" way of treating others, and I think the biggest way we do that is by being an example. But it is a relief to know that those unkind ways are natural and that they are not always what they have picked up from someone else. Even more of a relief is to show them our need for Christ in those unkind moments. I love you guys and I love that we are going through the same things even though we are miles away...