Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What's in a name?

These past few days, my mind has been full of the idea of naming. Yesterday we received some new pics of our girls! They were listed with different names. Similar to what we know but a little different. This has my mind running. What are their true names? Why is a name so important? Does a name define us? Our biological kids have names that we feel really "fit" them. We named them before they were born, and both of their names have a special connection to our family. In America we pour over books and websites looking for the latest trendy name. I doubt that in Ethiopia they start "Googling" the hottest names in 2007 as soon as they find our they are pregnant.

To me, naming is special. It ties a person to their family and heritage. In Ethiopia, a child uses their father's first name as their last name. For instance, my father's name is Robert. So my name would be Rebecca Robert. Ethiopian/Amharic names have such depth and meaning. The Amharic male name Mignote means "he is desired" and the Amharic female name Alemnesh means "You are the whole world". Whoa! The mothers and fathers that choose these names for their children want them to be defined by their name. They picture a future for their child just in their name.

I wonder about M and Gl's mom and dad. A sadness comes over me when I think about them selecting a special name for their daughters and then having to leave them behind. One of our daughters names means "Lady" and the other means "God shall redeem" and "Peaceful one". I can't help but think that by keeping their Ethiopian names we would be honoring their parents. M and Gl will leave the orphanage with literally nothing but the clothes on their back. I am sure that isn't the future that their parents pictured for these precious girls. Our girls might want American names. To signify a new beginning, a fresh start in their American lives. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we will rest in the fact that our Lord is with our girls, protecting, guiding and comforting no matter what their name.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I was thinking on these exact things last night. Our kids names mean "I have found a brother" (which now he will have) and "Redemption" which I think are AWESOME! B-girl's name is fairly easy to pronounce and we love it. W-boy's is a little harder but it has a decent nickname. So I am leaning toward keeping their Ethiopian names and then giving them American middle names. Later, after they have settled in they can have the choice of what they want to use with friends, school, etc.