Wednesday, January 23, 2008

James 1:27

The Gardner family started Kingdom Kids and then African Widows and Orphans Project. We are working with their ministries to raise money, complete our dossier and bring home our daughter! When I was struggling with whether or not to switch agencies the Lord gave me my answer through His word. James 1:27 says Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. Kingdom Kids and AWOP's philosophies all line up with the Word of God. They too are acting in obedience to the Lord and living it out. We knew then that it didn't matter what agency or ministry helped to facilitate this adoption, as long as it lined up with His word, we couldn't go wrong. The Gardners have a passion for seeing the body of Christ serve in obedience to the Lord in the way of adoption. They also have a desire to help make these adoptions successful, by offering training to adoptive parents. Our goal is to attend their May training in Spokane, Washington on Ethiopian older child adoptions. We will learn things like, how to deal with grief and loss, multi-racial family issues, attachment issues and Ethiopian cultural awareness. We are so excited to get the chance to learn all these things as we prepare for our daughter. They offer a wealth of knowledge through this experience. Their family is an inspiration to us. (this video is from another ministry that is similar to the one they started, also a great resource, Life International.)


Kim said...

hey there, got your blog from a friend also using our shared agency. I love kingdom kids, oddly enough they set my vision for adoption, love them.!

becky said...

Hi! thanks for sharing...are you with Hope?

Anonymous said...

Great work.