Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Red Letters Campaign

Have you noticed some of the new tag additions to my blog? I have joined with Red Letters Campaign as an Adoption Journalist! What is the Red Letters Campaign you ask? They believe that YOU (we, us, I) have the power to reduce extreme poverty, fight preventable diseases and connect orphans with loving families. Their mission is to provide the tools, a network of partners and like-minded people in order to create a solution. We all can play a role in using our faith to fight this fight. It all boils down to finding where you fit into the big picture. My part just happens to be contributing content via my blog, and raise awareness for the orphans of Ethiopia and around the world.
Where do YOU fit it?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hello! Amy Bottomly here...from Ethiopia or Bust..
Just saying hello... I am a fellow RLC blogger... I don't think I have commented yet on your blog, so I wanted to say HI!

Congrats on the Dossier officially arriving in Ethiopia!!!
