Wednesday, November 12, 2008

HUGE news!

After my solemn post on Sunday, we got a great email on Monday!

The referred Bethel kids papers are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your guys papers will be filed this week!!!!!

We couldn't believe it. This is what we have been waiting for! This is a huge step in the process and it feels as though a mountain has been moved!

So where are we now, you ask? The girls papers have to pass through two courts, a lower court and then an upper court. Once the papers get approved and pass through the lower court, they move to being filed in the upper court system. We will then wait for that date. There could still be hold ups, and we know that there is still more waiting to do - but the fact that their papers are compiled and ready is such a relief! Things are finally moving along. It seems like a reality again.

Time to start moving forward on our end. Rooms to paint, mattresses to buy, clothing, bedding, shoes, you get the idea! We are looking forward to more good news to come. Please continue to pray!

We also received new pictures, what beautiful, precious girls. We can't wait to hug them!


Julie said...

I am SO excited for you guys and praying that things move quickly!!

Lindsay said...

Big huge (((HUGS))) to you guys. That is all such great and exciting news.

Anonymous said...

I left your house today and forgot to ask you to see the pictures! (Sorry).

We know that with God all things are possible. I am and will continue to pray as Julie is that things move quickly.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys!!!

Let me know if you need a painting buddy :)

Unknown said...

Any idea what size clothes you may need for your girls? We save EVERYTHING here (clothes-wise, that is; I trash junk all the time). Baby Matthew is so well-dressed because I saved Evan's clothes for 9 years.

If your girls are petite, we might have some Rachel clothes for them. Juliet will never even notice! Sometimes Rachel has had 5-7 jackets from which to choose, thanks to the beautiful hand-me-downs we are constantly given.

Let me know. Give us an idea of what else you might need to set up rooms, etc.

Jennifer said...

Oh, I have been praying for you guys so much for this. I am so happy for you. I can't wait until you guys have your girls home with you. I can't wait to see new pictures and I know this has been a very long journey for your family. Know I am praying!