Wednesday, October 15, 2008

first born

this is my gracie. she is a spit fire, yet quiet. outspoken, yet reserved. feminine but tough. she's my mini-me. I pray that the Lord would reveal Himself to her and that she would grow into a beautiful godly woman; serving others first and passionate in her love for Him.

some might argue with our decision to adopt children older than her. they might say that it will make her feel "slighted" or she'll lose her birth right as the first born. my gracie will always be my first baby girl. she will always hold that special place in our family as the big sister. when our ethiopian beauties join our family, gracie will come alongside them and be a big sister to them too, although they will have a few years on her. there will be many, many things that she will help them learn and do. they will need her so! she longs for her sisters to come. to share her bedroom, her american girl dolls, her crayons, her swing set and her life. she has shed tears at times "missing" her sisters. some might argue, but they don't know my gracie.

Happy Birthday 6 Year Old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crying...thanks again:)